Did I mention the snow?

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks, sorry that a couple may be a little blurry.  These start with the younger stidkid waiting for his class to perform at the band concert on the 9th, then the snow on Sunday and the orchestra concert at a downtown church (both kids performed), and a […]

Vaccines, History and the Future

I only just read this particular news item from December 1: Avoiding the Flu Shot?. I have made sure to get a flu shot the last two years — partly because I tend to catch every virus the kids bring home from school, and partly because I am now volunteering a LOT in the schools, […]

Children are a Joy…. (yeah, right)

Here’s a “bah-humbug” post for the season. Consider it my cynical attempt to help control the world’s population. I know many young people who think children are fun, cuddly, adorable. Basically like teddybears that you get to dress up and take out in public. Here’s a warning: they don’t stay small and easily controlled for […]

Health Update: More Questions, No Answers

Well, I had an MRI last Monday, with an injection to help highlight any problems that might have been in the joint. Nothing. The MRI showed nothing. No bone changes, no deformities. The bone is healthy, the soft tissues are apparently intact. No explanation for why there has been recurrent pain in the hip for […]

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