“The Rules”

I. The Website:
You will create will be a website which demonstrates your knowledge of what it means to develop the content and pedagogical knowledge necessary to teach an interdisciplinary, multicultural, differentiated, culturally relevant standards-based science unit. The website will have three functions. It will be a(n):
Place to be thinking about your own thinking as you learn. You will journal (metacognate in writing) weekly on the website regarding your learning. Your journal entries will consider what it feels like to be learning, challenges you encounter, resources you found helpful, and prior experience on which you are building your understanding. You will dialog with one of your colleagues each week via this journal.
Guidelines for Journal Entries
Compose a title that says what you did in order to learn, then consider the following: What resources did you use? Why did you engage in these activities? What worked for you, and what didn’t and why? How did you feel before, during and after about engaging in learning science? What do you understand about science and about learning that you did not understand before? What would you do differently next time? What are your next steps?
Guidelines for Weekly Journal Responses: Make a personal connection from your own experience as a learner of science Make a connection to course material Ask three quality questions
2. 3.
Potential means to introduce your teacher identity to the web. You will create a “home page” introducing yourself as an elementary teacher who is prepared to teach science.
Organized repository of at least 25 on-line resources you need to prepare for and teach a unit of science.
Each resource must be annotated. Annotations must explain specifically how the
resource is useful in either the preparation of and/or the teaching of the content.

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