The turning of the season

Last day of summer, first day of autumn, this is a bitter-sweet time of year for me. Usually (and this year was definitely the epitome) I had lovely plans for the summer which quickly filled up and became unmanageably busy. The two or three things I had longed for usually never happened, and the growing […]

Passages: Sam Hinton

Sam Hinton. The world will miss you. Though I never had the chance to meet Sam personally, I grew up looking through a book he had written and illustrated on the sea life of the coast of California. I think we all grew up knowing some of his songs. As an adult, I rediscovered him […]

New pages

I wanted to let people who know me see some of my work from the last two quarters. So you will notice a major heading in the sidebar that reads “Papers 2008-2009” — the name of the half-time program I have been taking since January. Under that are other headings that link to various essays. […]

Valentine’s Day

It’s late on Valentine’s day. I have been too sick this week to finish the valentines as I had hoped, which really bothers me because those cards are the most fun to make. The more glitter the better, and if you can fit some lace or ribbon on too, do it! Oh well, I have […]

Something New

#2 in the blog carnival started by The Other Mother. New. New things are exciting, entertaining, sometimes frightening, and often challenging. Last summer, I started something new. I went back to school. Nearly 20 years after getting my “B.A. in absolutely nothing (Liberal Arts)” I realized I needed to pick up a few more classes […]

inauguration — tradition

Some families have long-standing get-togethers: summer reunions at the shore, grandmother’s birthday bash, even game night every Thursday with pizza and friends. Some cultures are filled with holy days: Eid al Fitr, Yom Kippur, Easter, Dia de los Muertos. Some countries are full of pomp and circumstance. The Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace, […]

Election Night

It appears, from very early returns and exit polls, that Barak Obama will be the 44th president of the United States. This is an historic day. Despite my hating to hear people use this phrase indiscriminately, in this case it is true. The people of the United States appear to have elected a person who […]

Election Day

A few links to sites about the voting that is going on in the United States today. Here is one in Spanish, I followed a link and followed a link and found La Nation’s Website with a blog attached. Here is a link to the local newspaper for Thurston County Washington (also read by people […]

Good Voting Records

Well, they won’t all vote, but at least about 75% of the people in my state who are eligible are at least registered. Here’s a link to the news story about it. Applause for the people who are registered… forgive me for not holding my breath to wait for you to actually exercise your right. […]

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