Old and New, Endings and Beginnings.

Some years feel better than others. This year was filled with better and brighter events and opportunities than the previous year, and although many things remain undone and wanting, there is a sense of grace and gratitude as I think about the upcoming year. I didn’t have to write a master’s paper under conditions that […]


Sometimes, we get so focused on the ornamentation, we forget to look at the structures, the backgrounds, the supporting players. And yet, without the background, the quiet workers, the scaffolds, the main players and the ornament cannot stand out. With trees, it’s the bark… Here are a few pictures of the bark of trees in […]

Seasonal Song

Every December, Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia (SOGO) puts on a brass festival to showcase the talented young musicians in the organization. Brass instrument players from the Academy and Conservatory levels practice for several weeks, with a performance the next-to-last weekend before the winter break. We enjoy their performances, of course, and eagerly await this […]

Yesterday, it snowed. Today…

It is raining today. Quite windy at times, but the dominant feature is rain. Steady rain, driving rain, blowing rain, rain mixed with snow, rain that pelts in hard drops, rain rain rain. Since I don’t have waterproof cameras, I haven’t taken any pics today. Maybe tomorrow… But yesterday, which was a 2-hour late start […]

A month later… Photos of the garden

In the fullness of autumn, we wandered around the yard, putting things more or less in order, getting ready for the long, cool winter. These are pictures from November, when the rains paused long enough to get a bit more done. Pruning the medlar and the biggest fig tree. Running around the yard with a […]

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