Poem a Day April 25, 2012

GRB (inspired by an article on the BBC website) Gamma Ray Burst Great Radiating Blinding Glorious Radiation Boasts Microscopic Particles, Cosmic Proportions I just thought this was a cool term when I read it last week, and saved the link to the article. What caught my attention? I think it was mostly the scientists admitting […]

Poem a Day April 24, 2012

salicylic acid (suggested by Grant) the willow leaned over the ailing faun and whispered nibble at my bark which heals the man watched as the deer gamboled in the sun and wondered whence came the relief the philosopher drank tea for headache and contemplated the effects of bark and root and leaf the scientist-doctor distilled […]

Poem a Day April 23, 2012

vibration molecular tag on the lawn through reality the pulse of joy Sound moves through substances, mediums, the way a slinky toy moves when one end is jiggled. Vibrations are caused by many things, and the quality and duration of the sounds depend in great part on what the vibration moves through: metal strings? catgut? […]

Poem a Day April 20, 2012

paleo-ornithology which came first: the chicken or the egg or the dinosaur and when? was there one pair an avian Adam and Eve nesting in some phanerozoic Eden blithely multiplying and being fruitful programmed to survive? and survive they did and thrive they did multiplying to fill the ends of the earth a family that […]

Poem a Day April 18, 2012

REFRACTOMETER light moves through and bounces off what is left over is measured and revealed What is one way you can identify an unknown liquid or reflective surface? Use a refractometer! And of course some research sites to peruse.. Cornell’s explanation on how these devices work Wellesley’s site with how to use this device and […]

Poem a Day April 16, 2012

success hypothesis: reasonable given current knowledge prediction: if this then that plan: test hypothesis using control and variables, recording data at regular intervals results: data describe predicted outcome conclusion: hypothesis stands up – success! hypothesis: reasonable given current knowledge prediction: if this then that plan: test hypothesis using control and variables, recording data at regular […]

Poem a Day April 15, 2012

neutrinos (suggested by Sue) vanilla, strawberry, chocolate infant, youth, adult black, gray, white electron, muon, tau smaller than the eye can see faster than the eye can follow lighter than the lightest touch of a butterfly on a flower from the beginnings of the universe the big bang and the little bangs as stars are […]

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