International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day!Women make up approximately half of the world’s population. Every person in the world has a biological mother with whom they were connected for at least 9 months. Women are often the primary tradition-carriers in a culture — they prepare the traditional foods, teach the children when they are young to follow […]


I don’t usually post on politics, but my preferred presidential candidate has stepped down.  I am looking for the “next-best” now…  and reviewing the options that remain. So, let’s talk politics a bit: What makes for a good leader? What is the difference between campaigning and doing the job? What sort of qualifications should one […]

New Year’s Goals and Resolutions

Well, it’s something that takes a while for me… I have been mulling things over all week.  I have read articles on people making resolutions (for about a month pre-new year they appear in various publications), and goal-setting and such, and thought about them.A few days ago, I added an interesting widget to my site […]

A Letter Never Written

Sometimes, when a person dies, you think how sad and go on about your business… not today. Today a Very Brave Woman died, and I can’t help wishing I had known more about her. Here, in a letter, is what I wish I had said to her, what I wish I could have asked her.

Update on Youssif

The little Iraqi boy who is being treated for severe burns is in surgery again today. The chances are good that within a few weeks he will look more like his old self, and be able to eat more comfortably. The full story is at CNN. Previous posts I made about Youssif were: Death and […]

Update on School Levy Amendment

I woke this morning to learn that the levy is considered to be passing with a growing lead. That lead amounts to less than 1% still… 50.3668% in favor and 49.6332% opposed. I will not hold my breath, but will wait until the measures are certified in a few weeks. Meantime, I received a comment […]

The Importance of Education

warning: the following post contains a long rant… You may recall that I wrote a post earlier this month about voting, about the importance of participation in the whole electoral process. You may also recall that I wrote specifically about HJR 4204, an amendment to the state constitution that would allow a majority of people […]

Doing What’s Right — Not What’s Easy

Well, the General Election is today. Our county is an “all-mail” elections process now, so all voters received ballots a couple weeks ago. Ballots need to be mailed by today to be counted. I think Tom is going to just drop ours off at a drop box in the city where he works. I actually […]

Blog Action Day: The Environment…

So many things a person could write about, I spent all weekend thinking and working on this post. Here is my meagre contribution to this month’s Blog Action Day. Of course, we all know by now that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize was given out to people who have been working on Environmental Issues (Global […]

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