Talk with Teachers to Improve Education

This was initially written in response to a facebook meme… (started Jan 6 2022, but I am finishing up this re-imagined response on the first day of the next year and if I had more time…) I figured the rant belongs here instead. Or lecture. Or wishlist. Because when you talk with actual teachers (not […]

Avoiding the brachiosaurs in the room…

The third quarter of our school year is almost at an end. But that’s not what I want to write about. There is a war in Eastern Europe, started by a madman with access to nuclear weapons and a previously demonstrated and re-confirmed complete disregard for the lives and safety of his own citizens, let […]

Long month, longer year ahead

A challenge I didn’t expect during this school year is the number of students who are absent on any given day, and the students who will be absent for multiple days… We have protocols in place for when a student enters with a fever, a runny/stuffy nose, coughing, sneezing, etc. However, this is also the […]

Twenty years ago, twenty years from now…

At 5:45 am (west coast time) I was jolted out of my sleep, startled by an image in that dream of a plane crashing into a building. It was the first official “homeschooling” day for us, and I was eager and excited to get everything pulled together for the beginning of our grand adventure as […]

Review: Thoughts on Belonging through a Culture of Dignity

I have been participating in a study group over the summer on the text by Floyd Cobb and John Krownapple. I’ll update this post when the course is completely over, but here is what I wrote for the final chapter in the online LMS: I LOVED the PSSM (The Psychological Sense of School Membership, Goodenow […]

Goals are Aspirational, Not Descriptive

I have been increasingly dismayed by people from all walks of life who mistake the Declaration of Independence for a description of life as it was being lived in the colonies in 1776. Some consider the Constitution and its amendments as an exact step-by-step prescription for running the country, and as if it were a […]

Hopeful in Hard Times

Like the author of this post on Resilient Resistance (The Race…), I am continually surprised at how surprised I am when even “simple” civil rights decisions take a turn toward unfettered authoritarianism or even full-on fascism. I am devastated at the media frenzy in the oncoming election cycle (the next federal elections are now 16 […]


Dark times, dark of intellect, dark of hope, dark of prosperity, dark of joy, dark of freedom, dark of life. Current events. Cautionary tales a half century old (and more), based on suppositions and “if this, then that,” Toffler may have been right, Roddenberry designed it…  the ancient hermits in the desert railed against it.  […]

Rules for Being Human (Cherie Carter-Scott)

I didn’t know the original author of these (nor apparently did the Washington State PTA in 2010). It is apparently Cherie Carter-Scott, according to the website These were typed on a piece of paper in a slightly altered form by my mother in 2010. The paper has soot all over it, but I found […]

Lest we forget

Many of the people in the photographs in this collection died as the direct result of Nazi oppression (restricting movement, access to employment, access to healthcare, etc — based on “race”). Others would have died a natural death by now anyway even without a war. Some people may still live who experienced these times first-hand. […]

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