What’s Wrong World-wise… Political content (another delayed post, from 4 October 2007)

or world-dumb, I suppose. disclaimer: What follows is purely my opinion, based on personal experience and reflection, but hey! it seems to work for me and mine. The most important thing that may be wrong is impatience. People are impatient to grow up, to make money, to “get there” and forget to enjoy the process. […]

Sermons and Interpretations (delayed post)

I do NOT know when I wrote this! Probably before 2008. Not before 2007. I think it was when the boys and I were visiting friends I had met online. Here is the unedited text: The sermon was about the Martha and Mary story where Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen the better path… […]

Important Dates in our Lives

Today is the 21st anniversary of the day our older son became a big brother. He was so proud of his little brother! Here is a pic of the birthday boy and his big brother the day after he was born… When he was about 3 or 4, he LOVED that Snowman toy! When they […]

In charge of change (another delayed post)

The orginal post was almost finished in January 2009. Here is the original, and how I would finish it now: It seems to me that a lot of the time people expect government to step in and do clean-up, not matter what the troubles, whether big or small. And it seems to me that, sometimes, […]

Too quiet (delayed post from June 2014)

I have been “silent” for many months, working very hard at school and just trying to keep ahead of the work. I love my students, and spend most of my energy on them during the school year. It’s hard to keep that “work-life” balance sometimes. But as things calm down and become more predictable I […]

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