Avoiding the brachiosaurs in the room…

The third quarter of our school year is almost at an end. But that’s not what I want to write about. There is a war in Eastern Europe, started by a madman with access to nuclear weapons and a previously demonstrated and re-confirmed complete disregard for the lives and safety of his own citizens, let […]

Next Steps

Well, after the partying is done and the confetti is swept up, after the last tourists have returned to their homes and life in D.C. resumes its normal frenetic pace, the president, his administration, congress and the people need to get on with life. The rest of us… we need to get on with life, […]

Election Day

A few links to sites about the voting that is going on in the United States today. Here is one in Spanish, I followed a link and followed a link and found La Nation’s Website with a blog attached. Here is a link to the local newspaper for Thurston County Washington (also read by people […]

Good Voting Records

Well, they won’t all vote, but at least about 75% of the people in my state who are eligible are at least registered. Here’s a link to the news story about it. Applause for the people who are registered… forgive me for not holding my breath to wait for you to actually exercise your right. […]


I don’t usually post on politics, but my preferred presidential candidate has stepped down.  I am looking for the “next-best” now…  and reviewing the options that remain. So, let’s talk politics a bit: What makes for a good leader? What is the difference between campaigning and doing the job? What sort of qualifications should one […]

Update on School Levy Amendment

I woke this morning to learn that the levy is considered to be passing with a growing lead. That lead amounts to less than 1% still… 50.3668% in favor and 49.6332% opposed. I will not hold my breath, but will wait until the measures are certified in a few weeks. Meantime, I received a comment […]

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