Babblers Babbling…

Today, FOUR Babblers showed up in Olympia: Bugsaw, Jillibus, jmcnrick, and Pinikula. We had a great time, and plotted our work for tomorrow. I will have pictures of them up then… Right now, a link to the scarves they chose stidmama’s picasa album. More pics and a full report in the morning…

Almost Over…

The meeting is officially over as of yesterday evening. The actual lecture part was over the evening before that. The trip up the mountain was not what we expected. One of our five vans broke down, necessitating one driver and another person making unplanned trips back down with an extra load or to return with […]

A trick question?

The elder stidkid made it home late Sunday night, from a three-week trip to Australia. While he was away, his best friend/penpal from Tbilisi came to visit, arriving a week before the stidkid came home. So the younger stidkid hosted our friend admirably for a week. Today, once the sleepy-head awoke (at two in the […]

Picture Postcards

I wanted to put up a bunch of pictures, but I am not really into writing a long travelogue today. So, here are a few of the prettier and more memorable pics from the trip to Canada. Sorry about the blurriness in some… my camera lens had a smudge on it that wasn’t apparent until […]

Looking Forward to Friends

In looking forward to this coming week, I was reminded of the lovely get-together the boys and I had with Hetty, Flosey, Jillibus and Dilly (Babble friends) last summer. Here is my favorite pic from that day: Left to Right: Jill, me, Flosey, Hetty and Dilly. Dilly has since gone on to the greatest word […]

Reader Appreciation

Who reads my writing? A few people, for sure. My mother (hello Mother!), some friends from Babble (hey Babblers!), and an occasional passerby who wanders here from another site (hi there!). Whoever you are, or whatever your reason for coming here, I want you to know that I appreciate the time you spend! I know […]

Reader Appreciation Day

Tomorrow is Reader Appreciation Day, thought up and promoted by my friend Robin at The Other Mother. Here is a link to her blogposts about it: the first one Madonna Thanks…; some ideas people have on how to do this; and the list of participants. You can still add yourself to the list of participants […]

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