What’s in the Garden

I took a break today from lying down (2nd day in a row spent mostly in bed due to migraine + asthma). With Tom’s help I was able to spend a couple of hours doing light – EXTREMELY LIGHT – yard work – planting tulips, trimming back/removing old, damaged, and dead branches, and enjoying the […]

Early Morning Musings (on the last Friday of 2022)

This article from the BBC, originally published in April of 2022 got me thinking: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220412-should-we-be-eating-three-meals-a-day How much of our modern ailments are directly related to our modern conveniences? How much of our modern concerns (climate change, pollution, inflation) are directly related to our modern “advances?” And perhaps most importantly: What can I do, in my […]

Avoiding the brachiosaurs in the room…

The third quarter of our school year is almost at an end. But that’s not what I want to write about. There is a war in Eastern Europe, started by a madman with access to nuclear weapons and a previously demonstrated and re-confirmed complete disregard for the lives and safety of his own citizens, let […]

Today in the Garden (Life with Birds – and Squirrels)

Last Wednesday, while we were out looking for a few last-minute grocery items (eggs, cilantro, etc) we stopped by the local Wild Birds Unlimited (a chain of franchise stores, our local one has been around for a very long time). The people there are always so kind and knowledgeable. Tom had been in a couple […]

What’s in the Garden

I haven’t done a post like this in years! Right now I am limited in mobility to areas closest to the house, and only when others are nearby to assist. But Grant is working hard to change this! Here is a small photo essay about what’s going on in the ornamental garden closest to the […]

Trying to stay upbeat, (however…)

Climate change. I worry about the future, not that I would likely live to see the worst effects in my lifetime, but my children might — and if they have children, my grandchildren will. Already, I believe that our climate has irrevocably altered. Things I enjoy like chocolate, coffee, vanilla… those may disappear in a […]

NaPoWriMo Second Post

in school we were taught to say but not to follow the golden rule we learned clear speech and calculations invented histories concise writing and we yearned for connection between textbooks our lives in boxes but always looking outward, forward, ahead the land sea, air, forests dying slowly or quickly taking a stand for justice […]

In charge of change (another delayed post)

The orginal post was almost finished in January 2009. Here is the original, and how I would finish it now: It seems to me that a lot of the time people expect government to step in and do clean-up, not matter what the troubles, whether big or small. And it seems to me that, sometimes, […]

Passages: Billy Frank, Jr.

It took many decades and incredible strength and determination to restore the treaty rights of native peoples in the Pacific Northwest so they can fish and hunt in their peoples’ “usual and accustomed” locations. Billy Frank, Jr. is one of the many who fought long and hard and took great personal risks to stand up […]

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