Long month, longer year ahead

A challenge I didn’t expect during this school year is the number of students who are absent on any given day, and the students who will be absent for multiple days… We have protocols in place for when a student enters with a fever, a runny/stuffy nose, coughing, sneezing, etc. However, this is also the […]

Cross-post: Musings when illness interferes with Life.

Cross-posting from facebook. It seemed it might be useful to have this up in an easily-retrieved space. Long post, abundant self-absorbed reflection, and minimal editing. Read at your own risk! Took a “sick day” today from the class I have been enjoying. Drinking LOTS of water and resting in my quiet room and it seems […]

School Closures: Mar-Jul 2020

[I wrote this in March and July, but didn’t post it. I am posting it now… as we rapidly approach the end of August. I have more reflections, but will do those in a new post!] I am up early, the first Sunday of the official closure. We thought, last Sunday, that we would at […]

School Year, First Quarter

Already we are in the last week of the first quarter. I have a wonderful group of kiddos this year – curious, energetic, and engaged. Not perfect (what class is?) but so willing to try, to try again, and to bravely keep trying even when they are clearly struggling. They are not struggling though – […]

What motivates you?

As a teacher, I am constantly being told (by non-educators!) that I must “motivate” the students. What they usually mean is: make lessons entertaining. They think it should all be fun and game-like. It is similar to the now-passé concept of “learning styles” (link opens a new tab and directs to a study released in […]

Random Musings on my Day

Living is hard work. It is better than the alternative? The answer is: Yes, when you are there. That curious moment in the day when the gray skies pick up the bright green of new life and suffuse creation with an immortal glow. Success! The fledgling finds his wings and starts to fly. What is […]

NaPoWriMo 2015.27

It’s down to the wire and down for the count ice pack on offended parts and pride hitting the showers — early. Sometimes the only choice is standing up again staying in the ring and making it through to the bell. —By way of explanation, I twisted my ankle and went down in front of […]

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