LATE Blog Action Day…

I was so distracted by the trip I took this month that I completely forgot to post for Blog Action Day (which was on October 16).  So here is what I would have said, had I been less distracted, and more alert. Food is good.  Next to air and water, it’s an essential.  And yet, […]

Remembered from a Blogspot post

A little poetry post from several years ago, led me to remember this website: The links on that page take you to a series of old poems with woodblock illustrations. And here is a repost of a post from my blogspot page in 2007: This poem by Eleanor Farjeon beautifully expresses how I feel. […]

Sometimes, a little bit of publicity can save a life

And if my half-dozen readers aren’t “a little bit” I don’t know what is! I was alerted to a pressing need for a bone marrow donor through Seth Godin’s blog. Here is the post that caught my attention: Eliminating the impulse to stall. And here is the website for Amit Gupta who desperately needs a […]

Life, Love, Loss and Learning

Feeling a little or a lot sentimental this evening, I am thinking about what it’s all about. If life isn’t about (and for) doing good, even great, things, then I am barking up the wrong tree. So, what is great, or even good? Does it mean becoming someone like Steve Jobs? He was apparently so […]

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