The long slide into autumn

Last Sunday, it rained. The day was gray, humid to a point, and the overcast made everything seem bluer than normal. I worked on refinishing some picnic furniture, getting a coat of polyurethane on to help it make it through a few more years. As the day wore on, the clouds lowered, settling in near […]

Vacations, Dreaming, End-of-Summer-Time

Summer is almost gone, in our world. Astronomically, we have at least another month. Realistically, two weeks. If we are lucky, an “Indian Summer” in October for three or four weeks before the clouds close in permanently and the rains wash all the remnants of sunlight away. A week ago, I was in “Beautiful British […]

Vacation on Vancouver Island

Yesterday, took the Black Ball ferry (MV Coho) to Victoria with Mother. Most rolling crossing ever. The swells were huge, very litlle chop. Not bad, just a little hard to walk with the deck heaving like that. Then a marvelous visit with our dear friend, Hetty. She recommended a book by Henry James, which I […]

Keeping up with… something or another.

Today we invested in a small (5.0 cu ft) chest freezer. It is now installed next to the much larger front-opening freezer in the utility room. Now I will have room to store some grains and nuts (if we buy in bulk and freeze it’s cheaper), extra meats and meals (I like to make lasagna […]

This week in the garden

There are some new blooms: gladioli in many colors The gate is taking shape and will be done soon, here Grant and Tom just setting one of the posts: The first harvest of purple beans has occurred! They turn green when cooked, and have a nice flavor, a little more fresh than greenbeans normally provide. […]

House and Garden: Real Life

I have in the past had subscriptions to periodicals such as “Better Homes and Gardens” and “Sunset” (Western Edition, of course), as well as “Horticulture” and “Organic Gardening” among others. Sometimes, reading magazines is like the equivalent of a fashion- or fitness-conscious person reading fashion and exercise magazines (which I have also been and done […]

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