Autumn Begins: The Garden Matures

As Autumn begins in the Pacific Northwest there are certain things that we expect such as smoke from scattered wildfires and a gradual shift from the dark greens of the surrounding forest to a golden hue as willows and indian plum trees at the margins respond to the fading light. There are some things that, […]

The long slide into autumn

Last Sunday, it rained. The day was gray, humid to a point, and the overcast made everything seem bluer than normal. I worked on refinishing some picnic furniture, getting a coat of polyurethane on to help it make it through a few more years. As the day wore on, the clouds lowered, settling in near […]

Garden: A week of progress

Almost every day this week we made significant progress somewhere in the garden. Yesterday, it was finishing the flowerbed that defines the parking space in front of the house. It holds a variegated St. John’s Wort, a Japanese Maple (which appears to be dwarf), and a Witchhazel, along with a few flowers (glads and a […]

Poem A Day April 26, 2012

cholecalciferol standing-straight in the sun seeking the warmth finding the light you made your own strength sitting-low in the office huddled over the desk flourescents flickering your weakness company profits We are surprisingly fragile creatures, we humans. As any engineer knows, the more complex the design the more likely something will fail — something important. […]

Poem a Day April 2, 2012

Hemoglobin (suggested by Grant) Like a gift I wrap the iron securely in a net tightly bound in the red blood cells reaching for oxygen special delivery to your cells respirator antioxidant micro-carrier of life Yes, this is the molecule that makes red blood cells red and takes oxygen up to the brain. It also […]

Sometimes, a little bit of publicity can save a life

And if my half-dozen readers aren’t “a little bit” I don’t know what is! I was alerted to a pressing need for a bone marrow donor through Seth Godin’s blog. Here is the post that caught my attention: Eliminating the impulse to stall. And here is the website for Amit Gupta who desperately needs a […]

Garden Update

Okay, so I walked through the garden yesterday and today. ALL the plums are gone from the plum tree. All of them. I harvested two (of the several dozen that were there) a couple weeks ago, and now ALL of them have been eaten. Presumptive culprits: deer, raccoons, crows. I am not a happy camper. […]

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